ruite pump


  1. Function of the Impeller:
    • The impeller is one of the core components of the slurry pump, and its main function is to convert the energy provided by the motor into the kinetic energy and pressure energy of the liquid.
    • By rotating, the impeller gives the liquid speed and pressure, thereby achieving the transportation of the liquid.
    • The design and shape of the impeller will affect the performance of the slurry pump, such as flow rate, head, and efficiency.
  2. Function of the Pump Casing:
    • The pump casing serves to accommodate the impeller and guide the flow of the liquid.
    • It provides a channel for the liquid to flow in the designed direction.
    • The pump casing can also withstand the pressure inside the pump and protect other components of the pump from damage.
  3. Function of the Shaft Sealing Device:
    • The main function of the shaft sealing device is to prevent the liquid inside the pump from leaking to the outside and also to prevent the outside air from entering the pump.
    • In the slurry pump, since the medium being transported is usually a slurry containing solid particles, higher requirements are placed on the shaft seal to ensure the reliability of the seal.
    • A good shaft sealing device can reduce leakage, improve the operating efficiency of the pump, and extend the service life of the pump.
In summary, the impeller, pump casing, and shaft sealing device work together to ensure the normal operation and efficient work of the slurry pump.

Post time: Sep-11-2024