ruite pump


Slurry pump works as a central heart in different area as below shows:

I. Converter Dust Removal Water System Process

1. Smoke and exhaust gas are generated during converter steelmaking.

2. Water is used for washing and dust removal to form dust removal water containing smoke and dust particles.

3. The slurry pump transports the dust removal water to the sewage treatment facility.

4. The sewage treatment facility treats the water. After meeting the standards, it can be recycled or discharged.

II. Blast Furnace Gas Washing Water System Process

1. Gas is generated during blast furnace ironmaking.

2. The gas is washed to remove impurities and dust, producing washing water containing a large number of solid particles.

3. The slurry pump transports the washing water to subsequent treatment equipment.

4. The treated water can be recycled for gas washing or other purposes.

III. Continuous Casting Turbid Circulating Water System Process

1. In the continuous casting process, the billet is cooled and lubricated to generate turbid circulating water.

2. The turbid circulating water is transported by the slurry pump to filtration and purification equipment.

3. The treated water is reused for continuous casting cooling and lubrication to achieve recycling.

IV. Steel Rolling Turbid Circulating Water System Process

1. Water is used for cooling and lubrication during the steel rolling process to form turbid circulating water.

2. The slurry pump sends the turbid circulating water to the treatment system.

3. The treated water is reused for steel rolling cooling and lubrication to save water resources.

V. Waste Residue Treatment Process

1. Waste residues such as slag and steel slag are generated in steel production.

2. The slurry pump transports the waste residue to the slag yard or subsequent treatment equipment.

3. Storage, landfill or further processing and utilization are carried out in the slag yard.

VI. Ore Conveying Process

1. Obtain ore in the mining area.

2. Make ore slurry.

3. The slurry pump transports the ore slurry to the concentrator or other processing equipment.

VII. Tailings Treatment Process

1. Tailings are generated during the beneficiation process, containing solid particles and moisture.

2. The slurry pump transports the tailings to the tailings pond.

3. The tailings pond stores or further processes the tailings to achieve safe disposal and resource utilization.


If you have any request on pumps, welcome to contact Ruite pump to get the best solution.


whatsapp: +8619933139867


Post time: Aug-29-2024